Английский (NKJV)
Now Jacob heard the words of Labańs sons, saying, «Jacob has taken away all that was our fatheŕs, and from what was our fatheŕs he has acquired all this wealth.»
And Jacob saw the countenance of Laban, and indeed it was not favorable toward him as before.
Then the LORD said to Jacob, «Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you.»
So Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field, to his flock,
and said to them, «I see your fatheŕs countenance, that it is not favorable toward me as before; but the God of my father has been with me.
And you know that with all my might I have served your father.
Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.
If he said thus: «The speckled shall be your wages,́ then all the flocks bore speckled. And if he said thus: «The streaked shall be your wages,́ then all the flocks bore streaked.
So God has taken away the livestock of your father and given them to me.
«And it happened, at the time when the flocks conceived, that I lifted my eyes and saw in a dream, and behold, the rams which leaped upon the flocks were streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted.
Then the Angel of God spoke to me in a dream, saying, «Jacob.́ And I said, «Here I am.́
And He said, «Lift your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted; for I have seen all that Laban is doing to you.
I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family.»́
Then Rachel and Leah answered and said to him, «Is there still any portion or inheritance for us in our fatheŕs house?
Are we not considered strangers by him? For he has sold us, and also completely consumed our money.
For all these riches which God has taken from our father are really ours and our childreńs; now then, whatever God has said to you, do it.»
Then Jacob rose and set his sons and his wives on camels.
And he carried away all his livestock and all his possessions which he had gained, his acquired livestock which he had gained in Padan Aram, to go to his father Isaac in the land of Canaan.
Now Laban had gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel had stolen the household idols that were her fatheŕs.
And Jacob stole away, unknown to Laban the Syrian, in that he did not tell him that he intended to flee.
So he fled with all that he had. He arose and crossed the river, and headed toward the mountains of Gilead.
And Laban was told on the third day that Jacob had fled.
Then he took his brethren with him and pursued him for seven dayś journey, and he overtook him in the mountains of Gilead.
But God had come to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said to him, «Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad.»
So Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountains, and Laban with his brethren pitched in the mountains of Gilead.
And Laban said to Jacob: «What have you done, that you have stolen away unknown to me, and carried away my daughters like captives taken with the sword?
Why did you flee away secretly, and steal away from me, and not tell me; for I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with timbrel and harp?
And you did not allow me to kiss my sons and my daughters. Now you have done foolishly in so doing.
It is in my power to do you harm, but the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, «Be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad.́
And now you have surely gone because you greatly long for your fatheŕs house, but why did you steal my gods?»
Then Jacob answered and said to Laban, «Because I was afraid, for I said, «Perhaps you would take your daughters from me by force.́
With whomever you find your gods, do not let him live. In the presence of our brethren, identify what I have of yours and take it with you.» For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
And Laban went into Jacob́s tent, into Leah́s tent, and into the two maidś tents, but he did not find them. Then he went out of Leah́s tent and entered Racheĺs tent.
Now Rachel had taken the household idols, put them in the cameĺs saddle, and sat on them. And Laban searched all about the tent but did not find them.
And she said to her father, «Let it not displease my lord that I cannot rise before you, for the manner of women is with me.» And he searched but did not find the household idols.
Then Jacob was angry and rebuked Laban, and Jacob answered and said to Laban: «What is my trespass? What is my sin, that you have so hotly pursued me?
Although you have searched all my things, what part of your household things have you found? Set it here before my brethren and your brethren, that they may judge between us both!
These twenty years I have been with you; your ewes and your female goats have not miscarried their young, and I have not eaten the rams of your flock.
That which was torn by beasts I did not bring to you; I bore the loss of it. You required it from my hand, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.
There I was! In the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep departed from my eyes.
Thus I have been in your house twenty years; I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times.
Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty-handed. God has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands, and rebuked you last night.»
And Laban answered and said to Jacob, «These daughters are my daughters, and these children are my children, and this flock is my flock; all that you see is mine. But what can I do this day to these my daughters or to their children whom they have borne?
Now therefore, come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a witness between you and me.»
So Jacob took a stone and set it up as a pillar.
Then Jacob said to his brethren, «Gather stones.» And they took stones and made a heap, and they ate there on the heap.
Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha, but Jacob called it Galeed.
And Laban said, «This heap is a witness between you and me this day.» Therefore its name was called Galeed,
also Mizpah, because he said, «May the LORD watch between you and me when we are absent one from another.
If you afflict my daughters, or if you take other wives besides my daughters, although no man is with us--see, God is witness between you and me!»
Then Laban said to Jacob, «Here is this heap and here is this pillar, which I have placed between you and me.
This heap is a witness, and this pillar is a witness, that I will not pass beyond this heap to you, and you will not pass beyond this heap and this pillar to me, for harm.
The God of Abraham, the God of Nahor, and the God of their father judge between us.» And Jacob swore by the Fear of his father Isaac.
Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain, and called his brethren to eat bread. And they ate bread and stayed all night on the mountain.
And early in the morning Laban arose, and kissed his sons and daughters and blessed them. Then Laban departed and returned to his place.
Церковнославянский (рус)
Слы́ша же Иа́ковъ словеса́ сыно́въ Лава́новыхъ, глаго́лющихъ: взя́ Иа́ковъ вся́ я́же отца́ на́­шего, и от­ су́щихъ отца́ на́­шего сотвори́ всю́ сла́ву сiю́.
И ви́дѣ Иа́ковъ лице́ Лава́не, и се́ не бя́ше къ нему́, я́ко вчера́ и тре́тiяго дне́.
Рече́ же Госпо́дь ко Иа́кову: воз­врати́ся въ зе́млю отца́ тво­его́ и въ ро́дъ тво́й, и бу́ду съ тобо́ю.
Посла́въ же Иа́ковъ, при­­зва́ Лі́ю и Рахи́ль на по́ле, идѣ́же бя́ху стада́,
и рече́ и́мъ: ви́жду а́зъ лице́ отца́ ва́­шего, я́ко нѣ́сть ко мнѣ́, я́коже вчера́ и тре́тiяго дне́: Бо́гъ же отца́ мо­его́ бѣ́ со мно́ю:
и вы́ са́ми вѣ́сте, я́ко все́ю си́лою мо­е́ю рабо́тахъ отцу́ ва́­шему:
оте́цъ же ва́шъ оби́дѣ мя́ и измѣни́ мзду́ мою́ десяти́ а́гнцевъ, но не даде́ ему́ Бо́гъ зла́ сотвори́ти мнѣ́.
А́ще си́це рече́тъ: пе́стрыя, бу́детъ твоя́ мзда́: и родя́т­ся вся́ о́вцы пе́стрыя. А́ще же рече́тъ: бѣ́лыя, бу́детъ твоя́ мзда́: и родя́т­ся вся́ о́вцы бѣ́лыя.
И отъ­я́ Бо́гъ вся́ скоты́ отца́ ва́­шего и даде́ я́ мнѣ́.
И бы́сть егда́ зачина́ху о́вцы во чре́вѣ прiе́млющя, и ви́дѣхъ очи́ма мо­и́ма во снѣ́: и се́, козлы́ и овны́ восходя́ще бя́ху на о́вцы и ко́зы, бѣлова́тыя и пе́стрыя и пепелови́дныя пе́стрыя.
И рече́ ми А́нгелъ Бо́жiй во снѣ́: Иа́кове. А́зъ же рѣ́хъ: что́ есть?
И рече́: воз­зри́ очи́ма тво­и́ма и ви́ждь козлы́ и овны́ восходя́щыя на о́вцы и ко́зы, бѣ́лыя и пе́стрыя и пепелови́дныя пе́стрыя: ви́дѣхъ бо, ели́ка тебѣ́ Лава́нъ твори́тъ:
А́зъ е́смь Бо́гъ яви́выйся тебѣ́ на Мѣ́стѣ Бо́жiи, идѣ́же пома́залъ Ми́ еси́ та́мо сто́лпъ, и обѣтова́лъ Ми́ еси́ та́мо обѣ́тъ: ны́нѣ у́бо воста́ни и изы́ди от­ земли́ сея́, и иди́ въ зе́млю рожде́нiя тво­его́, и бу́ду съ тобо́ю.
И от­вѣща́в­ши Рахи́ль и Лі́а, реко́стѣ ему́: еда́ е́сть на́мъ еще́ ча́сть или́ наслѣ́дiе въ дому́ отца́ на́­шего?
Не я́ко ли чужы́я вмѣни́хомся ему́? Продаде́ бо на́съ и снѣде́ снѣ́дiю сребро́ на́­ше:
все́ бога́т­ст­во и сла́ва, ю́же отъ­я́ Бо́гъ от­ отца́ на́­шего, на́мъ бу́детъ и ча́домъ на́шымъ: ны́нѣ у́бо, ели́ка тебѣ́ рече́ Бо́гъ, твори́.
Воста́въ же Иа́ковъ, взя́ жены́ своя́ и дѣ́ти своя́ на велблю́ды,
и забра́ вся́ имѣ́нiя своя́ и вся́ стяжа́нiя, я́же при­­тяжа́ въ Месо­пота́мiи, и вся́ своя́, е́же от­ити́ ко Исаа́ку отцу́ сво­ему́ въ зе́млю Ханаа́нскую.
Лава́нъ же отъи́де острищи́ о́вцы своя́: укра́де же Рахи́ль и́долы отца́ сво­его́.
Утаи́ же Иа́ковъ от­ Лава́на Си́рина, не повѣ́дати ему́, я́ко ухо́дитъ,
и от­бѣже́ са́мъ, и вся́ я́же его́, и пре́йде рѣку́, и взы́де на гору́ Галаа́дъ.
Повѣ́дася же Лава́ну Си́рину въ тре́тiй де́нь, я́ко бѣжа́ Иа́ковъ:
и по­и́мъ сы́ны и бра́тiю свою́ съ собо́ю, гна́ вслѣ́дъ его́ путе́мъ се́дмь дні́й: и дости́же его́ на горѣ́ Галаа́дъ.
Прiи́де же Бо́гъ къ Лава́ну Си́рину но́щiю во снѣ́ и рече́ ему́: блюди́ себе́, да не когда́ воз­глаго́леши ко Иа́кову зла́.
И пости́же Лава́нъ Иа́кова: Иа́ковъ же поста́ви ку́щу свою́ на горѣ́: Лава́нъ же разста́ви бра́тiю свою́ на горѣ́ Галаа́дъ.
Рече́ же Лава́нъ Иа́кову: что́ сотвори́лъ еси́? Вску́ю та́йно уше́лъ еси́ и окра́лъ еси́ мя́, и от­ве́лъ дще́ри моя́, я́ко плѣ́н­ницы ору́жiемъ?
И а́ще бы ми́ повѣ́далъ еси́, от­пусти́лъ бы́хъ тя́ съ весе́лiемъ и съ мусикі́ею, и тимпа́ны и гу́сльми:
и не сподо́бихся цѣлова́ти дѣте́й мо­и́хъ и дще́рей мо­и́хъ: ны́нѣ же несмы́слен­но сотвори́лъ еси́:
и ны́нѣ рука́ моя́ мо́жетъ озло́бити тя́. Но Бо́гъ отца́ тво­его́ вчера́ рече́ ко мнѣ́, глаго́ля: блюди́ себе́, да не когда́ воз­глаго́леши ко Иа́кову зла́.
Ны́нѣ у́бо от­ше́лъ еси́: жела́нiемъ бо воз­жела́лъ еси́ от­ити́ въ до́мъ отца́ тво­его́: вску́ю укра́лъ еси́ бо́ги моя́?
Отвѣща́въ же Иа́ковъ рече́ къ Лава́ну: поне́же убоя́хся: рѣ́хъ бо, да не ка́ко отъ­и́меши дще́ри твоя́ от­ мене́, и вся́ моя́.
И рече́ Иа́ковъ: у него́же а́ще обря́щеши бо́ги твоя́, да не бу́детъ жи́въ предъ бра́тiею на́­шею: узнава́й, что́ е́сть тво­его́ у мене́, и воз­ми́. И не позна́ у него́ ничто́же: не вѣ́дяше же Иа́ковъ, я́ко Рахи́ль жена́ его́ украде́ я́.
Вше́дъ же Лава́нъ, объиска́ въ ку́щи Лі́инѣ, и не обрѣ́те. И изы́де изъ ку́щи Лі́ины, и объиска́ ку́щу Иа́ковлю и въ ку́щи дво­и́хъ рабы́нь, и не обрѣ́те. Вни́де же и въ ку́щу Рахи́лину.
Рахи́ль же взя́ и́долы и положи́ о́ныя подъ сѣдло́ велблю́же и сѣ́де на ни́хъ,
и рече́ отцу́ сво­ему́: не имѣ́й себѣ́ тя́жко, господи́не: не могу́ воста́ти предъ тобо́ю, я́ко обы́чная же́нская ми́ су́ть. Иска́ же Лава́нъ по все́й ку́щи, и не обрѣ́те и́доловъ.
Разгнѣ́вася же Иа́ковъ и пря́шеся съ Лава́номъ. Отвѣща́въ же Иа́ковъ рече́ Лава́ну: ка́я непра́вда моя́? И кі́й грѣ́хъ мо́й, я́ко погна́лъ еси́ вслѣ́дъ мене́,
и я́ко объиска́лъ еси́ вся́ сосу́ды до́му мо­его́? Что́ обрѣ́лъ еси́ от­ всѣ́хъ сосу́довъ до́му тво­его́? Положи́ здѣ́ предъ бра́тiею тво­е́ю и бра́тiею мо­е́ю, и да разсу́дятъ между́ обѣ́ма на́ма:
се́, два́десять лѣ́тъ а́зъ е́смь съ тобо́ю: о́вцы твоя́ и ко́зы твоя́ не бы́ша безъ плода́: овно́въ ове́цъ тво­и́хъ не поядо́хъ:
звѣроя́дины не при­­несо́хъ къ тебѣ́: а́зъ воз­дая́хъ тебѣ́ от­ мене́ сама́го татбины́ ден­ны́я и татбины́ нощны́я:
бы́хъ во дни́ жего́мь зно́­емъ, и сту́денiю въ нощи́, и от­хожда́­ше со́нъ от­ о́чiю мое́ю:
се́, мнѣ́ два́десять лѣ́тъ а́зъ е́смь въ дому́ тво­е́мъ, рабо́тахъ тебѣ́ четыре­на́­де­сять лѣ́тъ дву́хъ ра́ди дще́рей тво­и́хъ и ше́сть лѣ́тъ за о́вцы твоя́, и преоби́дѣлъ еси́ мзду́ мою́ десятiю́ а́гницами:
а́ще не бы́ Бо́гъ отца́ мо­его́ Авраа́ма, и стра́хъ Исаа́ка бы́лъ мнѣ́, ны́нѣ тща́ от­пусти́лъ бы мя́ еси́: смире́нiе мое́ и тру́дъ руку́ мое́ю уви́дѣ Бо́гъ, и обличи́ тя вчера́.
Отвѣща́въ же Лава́нъ, рече́ ко Иа́кову: дще́ри дще́ри моя́ и сы́нове сы́нове мо­и́, и ско́ти ско́ти мо­и́, и вся́ ели́ка ты́ ви́диши моя́ су́ть и дще́рей мо­и́хъ: что́ сотворю́ и́мъ дне́сь, или́ ча́домъ и́хъ, я́же роди́ста?
Ны́нѣ у́бо гряди́, завѣща́имъ завѣ́тъ а́зъ и ты́: и бу́детъ во свидѣ́тел­ст­во между́ мно́ю и тобо́ю. Рече́ же ему́ Иа́ковъ: се́, никто́же съ на́ми е́сть: ви́ждь, Бо́гъ свидѣ́тель между́ мно́ю и тобо́ю.
И взе́мъ Иа́ковъ ка́мень, поста́ви его́ въ сто́лпъ.
Рече́ же Иа́ковъ бра́тiи сво­е́й: собери́те ка́менiе. И собра́ша ка́менiе и сотвори́ша хо́лмъ: и ядо́ша, и пи́ша та́мо на холмѣ́. Рече́ же ему́ Лава́нъ: хо́лмъ се́й свидѣ́тел­ст­вуетъ между́ мно́ю и тобо́ю дне́сь.
И прозва́ его́ Лава́нъ хо́лмъ Свидѣ́тел­ст­ва: Иа́ковъ же прозва́ хо́лмъ Свидѣ́тель.
Рече́ же Лава́нъ ко Иа́кову: се́, хо́лмъ се́й и сто́лпъ, его́же поста́вихъ между́ мно́ю и тобо́ю, свидѣ́тел­ст­вуетъ хо́лмъ се́й и свидѣ́тел­ст­вуетъ сто́лпъ се́й: сего́ ра́ди прозва́ся и́мя хо́лмъ Свидѣ́тел­ст­вуетъ,
и Видѣ́нiе, е́же рече́: да ви́дитъ Бо́гъ между́ мно́ю и тобо́ю, я́ко отъи́демъ дру́гъ от­ дру́га:
а́ще смири́ши дще́ри моя́, а́ще по́ймеши жены́ надъ дще́ри моя́, ви́ждь, никто́же съ на́ми е́сть ви́дяй: Бо́гъ свидѣ́тель между́ мно́ю и между́ тобо́ю.
И рече́ Лава́нъ Иа́кову: се́, хо́лмъ се́й свидѣ́тель и сто́лпъ се́й:
а́ще бо а́зъ не прейду́ къ тебѣ́, ниже́ ты́ да пре́йдеши ко мнѣ́ холма́ сего́ и столпа́ сего́ со зло́бою:
Бо́гъ Авраа́мль и Бо́гъ Нахо́ровъ да су́дитъ между́ на́ма. И кля́ся Иа́ковъ стра́хомъ отца́ сво­его́ Исаа́ка,
и пожре́ Иа́ковъ же́ртву на горѣ́ и воз­зва́ бра́тiю свою́: ядо́ша же и пи́ша и спа́ша на горѣ́.
Воста́въ же Лава́нъ зау́тра, лобыза́ сы́ны и дще́ри своя́ и благослови́ я́: и воз­врати́вся Лава́нъ, отъи́де на мѣ́сто свое́.
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