Английский (NKJV)
Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty,
Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.
He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind,
Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.
You who laid the foundations of the earth, So that it should not be moved forever,
You covered it with the deep as with a garment; The waters stood above the mountains.
At Your rebuke they fled; At the voice of Your thunder they hastened away.
They went up over the mountains; They went down into the valleys, To the place which You founded for them.
You have set a boundary that they may not pass over, That they may not return to cover the earth.
He sends the springs into the valleys; They flow among the hills.
They give drink to every beast of the field; The wild donkeys quench their thirst.
By them the birds of the heavens have their home; They sing among the branches.
He waters the hills from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works.
He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the service of man, That he may bring forth food from the earth,
And wine that makes glad the heart of man, Oil to make his face shine, And bread which strengthens mańs heart.
The trees of the LORD are full of sap, The cedars of Lebanon which He planted,
Where the birds make their nests; The stork has her home in the fir trees.
The high hills are for the wild goats; The cliffs are a refuge for the rock badgers.
He appointed the moon for seasons; The sun knows its going down.
You make darkness, and it is night, In which all the beasts of the forest creep about.
The young lions roar after their prey, And seek their food from God.
When the sun rises, they gather together And lie down in their dens.
Man goes out to his work And to his labor until the evening.
O LORD, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions--
This great and wide sea, In which are innumerable teeming things, Living things both small and great.
There the ships sail about; There is that Leviathan Which You have made to play there.
These all wait for You, That You may give them their food in due season.
What You give them they gather in; You open Your hand, they are filled with good.
You hide Your face, they are troubled; You take away their breath, they die and return to their dust.
You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; And You renew the face of the earth.
May the glory of the LORD endure forever; May the LORD rejoice in His works.
He looks on the earth, and it trembles; He touches the hills, and they smoke.
I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the LORD.
May sinners be consumed from the earth, And the wicked be no more. Bless the LORD, O my soul! Praise the LORD!
Церковнославянский (рус)
Псало́мъ Дави́ду, о мiрстѣ́мъ бытiи́.
Благослови́, душе́ моя́, Го́спода. Го́споди Бо́же мо́й, воз­вели́чил­ся еси́ зѣло́: во исповѣ́данiе и въ велелѣ́поту обле́кл­ся еси́:
одѣя́йся свѣ́томъ я́ко ри́зою, простира́яй не́бо я́ко ко́жу:
покрыва́яй вода́ми превы́спрен­няя Своя́, полага́яй о́блаки на восхожде́нiе Свое́, ходя́й на крилу́ вѣ́треню:
творя́й а́нгелы Своя́ ду́хи, и слуги́ Своя́ пла́мень о́гнен­ный:
основа́яй зе́млю на тве́рди ея́: не преклони́т­ся въ вѣ́къ вѣ́ка.
Бе́здна я́ко ри́за одѣя́нiе ея́, на гора́хъ ста́нутъ во́ды:
от­ запреще́нiя Тво­его́ побѣ́гнутъ, от­ гла́са гро́ма Тво­его́ убоя́т­ся.
Восхо́дятъ го́ры, и низхо́дятъ поля́, въ мѣ́сто е́же основа́лъ еси́ и́мъ.
Предѣ́лъ положи́лъ еси́, его́же не пре́йдутъ, ниже́ обратя́т­ся покры́ти зе́млю.
Посыла́яй исто́чники въ де́брехъ, посредѣ́ го́ръ про́йдутъ во́ды.
Напая́ютъ вся́ звѣ́ри се́лныя, жду́тъ {воспрiи́мутъ} она́гри въ жа́жду свою́.
На ты́хъ пти́цы небе́сныя при­­вита́ютъ: от­ среды́ ка́менiя дадя́тъ гла́съ.
Напая́яй го́ры от­ превы́спрен­нихъ Сво­и́хъ: от­ плода́ дѣ́лъ Тво­и́хъ насы́тит­ся земля́.
Прозяба́яй траву́ ското́мъ, и зла́къ на слу́жбу человѣ́комъ, извести́ хлѣ́бъ от­ земли́:
и вино́ весели́тъ се́рдце человѣ́ка, ума́стити лице́ еле́емъ: и хлѣ́бъ се́рдце человѣ́ка укрѣпи́тъ.
Насы́тят­ся древа́ поль­ска́я, ке́дри Лива́нстiи, и́хже еси́ насади́лъ:
та́мо пти́цы вогнѣздя́т­ся, ероді́ево жили́ще предводи́тел­ст­вуетъ и́ми.
Го́ры высо́кiя еле́немъ, ка́мень при­­бѣ́жище за́яцемъ.
Сотвори́лъ е́сть луну́ во времена́: со́лнце позна́ за́падъ сво́й.
Положи́лъ еси́ тму́, и бы́сть но́щь, въ не́йже про́йдутъ вси́ звѣ́рiе дубра́внiи,
ски́мни рыка́ющiи восхи́тити и взыска́ти от­ Бо́га пи́щу себѣ́.
Возсiя́ со́лнце, и собра́шася, и въ ло́жахъ сво­и́хъ ля́гутъ.
Изы́детъ человѣ́къ на дѣ́ло свое́ и на дѣ́ланiе свое́ до ве́чера.
Я́ко воз­вели́чишася дѣла́ Твоя́, Го́споди: вся́ прему́дростiю сотвори́лъ еси́: испо́лнися земля́ тва́ри Тво­ея́.
Сiе́ мо́ре вели́кое и простра́н­но­е: та́мо га́ди, и́хже нѣ́сть числа́, живо́тная ма́лая съ вели́кими:
та́мо корабли́ препла́ваютъ, змі́й се́й, его́же созда́лъ еси́ руга́тися ему́.
Вся́ къ Тебѣ́ ча́ютъ, да́ти пи́щу и́мъ во бла́го вре́мя.
Да́в­шу Тебѣ́ и́мъ, соберу́тъ: от­ве́рзшу Тебѣ́ ру́ку, вся́ческая испо́лнят­ся бла́гости:
от­вра́щшу же Тебѣ́ лице́, воз­мяту́т­ся: отъ­и́меши ду́хъ и́хъ, и изче́знутъ и въ пе́рсть свою́ воз­вратя́т­ся:
по́слеши ду́ха Тво­его́, и сози́ждут­ся, и обнови́ши лице́ земли́.
Бу́ди сла́ва Госпо́дня во вѣ́ки: воз­весели́т­ся Госпо́дь о дѣ́лѣхъ Сво­и́хъ:
при­­зира́яй на зе́млю и творя́й ю́ трясти́ся: при­­каса́яйся гора́мъ, и дымя́т­ся.
Воспою́ Го́сподеви въ животѣ́ мо­е́мъ, пою́ Бо́гу мо­ему́, до́ндеже е́смь:
да услади́т­ся Ему́ бесѣ́да моя́, а́зъ же воз­веселю́ся о Го́сподѣ.
Да изче́знутъ грѣ́шницы от­ земли́, и беззако́н­ницы, я́коже не бы́ти и́мъ. Благослови́, душе́ моя́, Го́спода.
Латинский (Nova Vulgata)
104:1 Benedic, anima mea, Domino. Domine Deus meus, magnificatus es vehementer! Maiestatem et decorem induisti,
104:2 amictus lumine sicut vestimento. Extendens caelum sicut velum,
104:3 qui exstruis in aquis cenacula tua. Qui ponis nubem ascensum tuum, qui ambulas super pennas ventorum.
104:4 Qui facis angelos tuos spiritus et ministros tuos ignem urentem.
104:5 Qui fundasti terram super stabilitatem suam, non inclinabitur in saeculum saeculi.
104:6 Abyssus sicut vestimentum operuit eam, super montes stabant aquae.
104:7 Ab increpatione tua fugiunt, a voce tonitrui tui formidant.
104:8 Ascendunt in montes et descendunt in valles, in locum, quem statuisti eis.
104:9 Terminum posuisti, quem non transgredientur, neque convertentur operire terram.
104:10 Qui emittis fontes in torrentes; inter medium montium pertransibunt,
104:11 potabunt omnes bestias agri, exstinguent onagri sitim suam.
104:12 Super ea volucres caeli habitabunt, de medio ramorum dabunt voces.
104:13 Rigas montes de cenaculis tuis, de fructu operum tuorum satias terram.
104:14 Producis fenum iumentis et herbam servituti hominum, educens panem de terra
104:15 et vinum, quod laetificat cor hominis; exhilarans faciem in oleo, panis autem cor hominis confirmat.
104:16 Saturabuntur ligna Domini et cedri Libani, quas plantavit.
104:17 Illic passeres nidificabunt, erodii domus in vertice earum.
104:18 Montes excelsi cervis, petrae refugium hyracibus.
104:19 Fecit lunam ad tempora signanda, sol cognovit occasum suum.
104:20 Posuisti tenebras, et facta est nox: in ipsa reptabunt omnes bestiae silvae,
104:21 catuli leonum rugientes, ut rapiant et quaerant a Deo escam sibi.
104:22 Oritur sol, et congregantur et in cubilibus suis recumbunt.
104:23 Exit homo ad opus suum et ad operationem suam usque ad vesperum.
104:24 Quam multiplicata sunt opera tua, Domine! Omnia in sapientia fecisti, impleta est terra creatura tua.
104:25 Hoc mare magnum et spatiosum et latum: illic reptilia, quorum non est numerus, animalia pusilla cum magnis;
104:26 illic naves pertransibunt, Leviathan, quem formasti ad ludendum cum eo.
104:27 Omnia a te exspectant, ut des illis escam in tempore suo.
104:28 Dante te illis, colligent, aperiente te manum tuam, implebuntur bonis.
104:29 Avertente autem te faciem, turbabuntur; auferes spiritum eorum, et deficient et in pulverem suum revertentur.
104:30 Emittes spiritum tuum, et creabuntur, et renovabis faciem terrae.
104:31 Sit gloria Domini in saeculum; laetetur Dominus in operibus suis.
104:32 Qui respicit terram et facit eam tremere, qui tangit montes, et fumigant.
104:33 Cantabo Domino in vita mea, psallam Deo meo quamdiu sum.
104:34 Iucundum sit ei eloquium meum, ego vero delectabor in Domino.
104:35 Deficiant peccatores a terra et iniqui, ita ut non sint. Benedic, anima mea, Domino.
104:1 بَارِكِي يَا نَفْسِي الرَّبَّ. يَا رَبُّ إِلهِي، قَدْ عَظُمْتَ جِدًّا. مَجْدًا وَجَلاَلاً لَبِسْتَ.
104:2 اللاَّبِسُ النُّورَ كَثَوْبٍ، الْبَاسِطُ السَّمَاوَاتِ كَشُقَّةٍ.
104:3 الْمُسَقِّفُ عَلاَلِيَهُ بِالْمِيَاهِ. الْجَاعِلُ السَّحَابَ مَرْكَبَتَهُ، الْمَاشِي عَلَى أَجْنِحَةِ الرِّيحِ.
104:4 الصَّانِعُ مَلاَئِكَتَهُ رِيَاحًا، وَخُدَّامَهُ نَارًا مُلْتَهِبَةً.
104:5 الْمُؤَسِّسُ الأَرْضَ عَلَى قَوَاعِدِهَا فَلاَ تَتَزَعْزَعُ إِلَى الدَّهْرِ وَالأَبَدِ.
104:6 كَسَوْتَهَا الْغَمْرَ كَثَوْبٍ. فَوْقَ الْجِبَالِ تَقِفُ الْمِيَاهُ.
104:7 مِنِ انْتِهَارِكَ تَهْرُبُ، مِنْ صَوْتِ رَعْدِكَ تَفِرُّ.
104:8 تَصْعَدُ إِلَى الْجِبَالِ. تَنْزِلُ إِلَى الْبِقَاعِ، إِلَى الْمَوْضِعِ الَّذِي أَسَّسْتَهُ لَهَا.
104:9 وَضَعْتَ لَهَا تَخْمًا لاَ تَتَعَدَّاهُ. لاَ تَرْجعُ لِتُغَطِّيَ الأَرْضَ.
104:10 اَلْمُفَجِّرُ عُيُونًا فِي الأَوْدِيَةِ. بَيْنَ الْجِبَالِ تَجْرِي.
104:11 تَسْقِي كُلَّ حَيَوَانِ الْبَرِّ. تَكْسِرُ الْفِرَاءُ ظَمْأَهَا.
104:12 فَوْقَهَا طُيُورُ السَّمَاءِ تَسْكُنُ. مِنْ بَيْنِ الأَغْصَانِ تُسَمِّعُ صَوْتًا.
104:13 السَّاقِي الْجِبَالَ مِنْ عَلاَلِيهِ. مِنْ ثَمَرِ أَعْمَالِكَ تَشْبَعُ الأَرْضُ.
104:14 الْمُنْبِتُ عُشْبًا لِلْبَهَائِمِ، وَخُضْرَةً لِخِدْمَةِ الإِنْسَانِ، لإِخْرَاجِ خُبْزٍ مِنَ الأَرْضِ،
104:15 وَخَمْرٍ تُفَرِّحُ قَلْبَ الإِنْسَانِ، لإِلْمَاعِ وَجْهِهِ أَكْثَرَ مِنَ الزَّيْتِ، وَخُبْزٍ يُسْنِدُ قَلْبَ الإِنْسَانِ.
104:16 تَشْبَعُ أَشْجَارُ الرَّبِّ، أَرْزُ لُبْنَانَ الَّذِي نَصَبَهُ.
104:17 حَيْثُ تُعَشِّشُ هُنَاكَ الْعَصَافِيرُ. أَمَّا اللَّقْلَقُ فَالسَّرْوُ بَيْتُهُ.
104:18 الْجِبَالُ الْعَالِيَةُ لِلْوُعُولِ، الصُّخُورُ مَلْجَأٌ لِلْوِبَارِ.
104:19 صَنَعَ الْقَمَرَ لِلْمَوَاقِيتِ. الشَّمْسُ تَعْرِفُ مَغْرِبَهَا.
104:20 تَجْعَلُ ظُلْمَةً فَيَصِيرُ لَيْلٌ. فِيهِ يَدِبُّ كُلُّ حَيَوَان الْوَعْرِ.
104:21 الأَشْبَالُ تُزَمْجِرُ لِتَخْطَفَ، وَلِتَلْتَمِسَ مِنَ اللهِ طَعَامَهَا.
104:22 تُشْرِقُ الشَّمْسُ فَتَجْتَمِعُ، وَفِي مَآوِيهَا تَرْبِضُ.
104:23 الإِنْسَانُ يَخْرُجُ إِلَى عَمَلِهِ، وَإِلَى شُغْلِهِ إِلَى الْمَسَاءِ.
104:24 مَا أَعْظَمَ أَعْمَالَكَ يَا رَبُّ! كُلَّهَا بِحِكْمَةٍ صَنَعْتَ. مَلآنةٌ الأَرْضُ مِنْ غِنَاكَ.
104:25 هذَا الْبَحْرُ الْكَبِيرُ الْوَاسِعُ الأَطْرَافِ. هُنَاكَ دَبَّابَاتٌ بِلاَ عَدَدٍ. صِغَارُ حَيَوَانٍ مَعَ كِبَارٍ.
104:26 هُنَاكَ تَجْرِي السُّفُنُ. لِوِيَاثَانُ هذَا خَلَقْتَهُ لِيَلْعَبَ فِيهِ.
104:27 كُلُّهَا إِيَّاكَ تَتَرَجَّى لِتَرْزُقَهَا قُوتَهَا فِي حِينِهِ.
104:28 تُعْطِيهَا فَتَلْتَقِطُ. تَفْتَحُ يَدَكَ فَتَشْبَعُ خَيْرًا.
104:29 تَحْجُبُ وَجْهَكَ فَتَرْتَاعُ. تَنْزِعُ أَرْوَاحَهَا فَتَمُوتُ، وَإِلَى تُرَابِهَا تَعُودُ.
104:30 تُرْسِلُ رُوحَكَ فَتُخْلَقُ، وَتُجَدِّدُ وَجْهَ الأَرْضِ.
104:31 يَكُونُ مَجْدُ الرَّبِّ إِلَى الدَّهْرِ. يَفْرَحُ الرَّبُّ بِأَعْمَالِهِ.
104:32 النَّاظِرُ إِلَى الأَرْضِ فَتَرْتَعِدُ. يَمَسُّ الْجِبَالَ فَتُدَخِّنُ.
104:33 أُغَنِّي لِلرَّبِّ فِي حَيَاتِي. أُرَنِّمُ لإِلهِي مَا دُمْتُ مَوْجُودًا.
104:34 فَيَلَذُّ لَهُ نَشِيدِي ، وَأَنَا أَفْرَحُ بِالرَّبِّ.
104:35 لِتُبَدِ الْخُطَاةُ مِنَ الأَرْضِ وَالأَشْرَارُ لاَ يَكُونُوا بَعْدُ. بَارِكِي يَا نَفْسِي الرَّبَّ. هَلِّلُويَا.
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