Английский (NKJV)
Do not keep silent, O God of my praise!
For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful Have opened against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause.
In return for my love they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer.
Thus they have rewarded me evil for good, And hatred for my love.
Set a wicked man over him, And let an accuser stand at his right hand.
When he is judged, let him be found guilty, And let his prayer become sin.
Let his days be few, And let another take his office.
Let his children be fatherless, And his wife a widow.
Let his children continually be vagabonds, and beg; Let them seek their bread also from their desolate places.
Let the creditor seize all that he has, And let strangers plunder his labor.
Let there be none to extend mercy to him, Nor let there be any to favor his fatherless children.
Let his posterity be cut off, And in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, And let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
Let them be continually before the LORD, That He may cut off the memory of them from the earth;
Because he did not remember to show mercy, But persecuted the poor and needy man, That he might even slay the broken in heart.
As he loved cursing, so let it come to him; As he did not delight in blessing, so let it be far from him.
As he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, So let it enter his body like water, And like oil into his bones.
Let it be to him like the garment which covers him, And for a belt with which he girds himself continually.
Let this be the LORD́s reward to my accusers, And to those who speak evil against my person.
But You, O GOD the Lord, Deal with me for Your namés sake; Because Your mercy is good, deliver me.
For I am poor and needy, And my heart is wounded within me.
I am gone like a shadow when it lengthens; I am shaken off like a locust.
My knees are weak through fasting, And my flesh is feeble from lack of fatness.
I also have become a reproach to them; When they look at me, they shake their heads.
Help me, O LORD my God! Oh, save me according to Your mercy,
That they may know that this is Your hand-- That You, LORD, have done it!
Let them curse, but You bless; When they arise, let them be ashamed, But let Your servant rejoice.
Let my accusers be clothed with shame, And let them cover themselves with their own disgrace as with a mantle.
I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.
For He shall stand at the right hand of the poor, To save him from those who condemn him.
Церковнославянский (рус)
Въ коне́цъ, псало́мъ Дави́ду.
Бо́же, хвалы́ мо­ея́ не премолчи́:
я́ко уста́ грѣ́шнича и уста́ льсти́ваго на мя́ от­верзо́шася, глаго́лаша на мя́ язы́комъ льсти́вымъ,
и словесы́ ненави́стными обыдо́ша мя́, и бра́шася со мно́ю ту́не.
Вмѣ́сто е́же люби́ти мя́, оболга́ху мя́, а́зъ же моля́хся:
и положи́ша на мя́ зла́я за блага́я, и не́нависть за воз­любле́нiе мое́.
Поста́ви на него́ грѣ́шника, и дiа́волъ да ста́нетъ одесну́ю его́:
внегда́ суди́тися ему́, да изы́детъ осужде́нъ, и моли́тва его́ да бу́детъ въ грѣ́хъ.
Да бу́дутъ дні́е его́ ма́ли, и епи́скоп­ст­во его́ да прiи́метъ и́нъ:
да бу́дутъ сы́нове его́ си́ри, и жена́ его́ вдова́:
дви́жущеся да преселя́т­ся сы́нове его́ и воспро́сятъ, да изгна́ни бу́дутъ изъ домо́въ сво­и́хъ.
Да взы́щетъ заимода́вецъ вся́, ели́ка су́ть его́: и да восхи́тятъ чужді́и труды́ его́.
Да не бу́детъ ему́ засту́пника, ниже́ да бу́детъ ущедря́яй сироты́ его́:
да бу́дутъ ча́да его́ въ погубле́нiе, въ ро́дѣ еди́нѣмъ да потреби́т­ся и́мя его́.
Да воспомяне́т­ся беззако́нiе оте́цъ его́ предъ Го́сподемъ, и грѣ́хъ ма́тере его́ да не очи́стит­ся:
да бу́дутъ предъ Го́сподемъ вы́ну, и да потреби́т­ся от­ земли́ па́мять и́хъ:
зане́же не помяну́ сотвори́ти ми́лость, и погна́ человѣ́ка ни́ща и убо́га, и умиле́на се́рдцемъ умертви́ти.
И воз­люби́ кля́тву, и прiи́детъ ему́: и не восхотѣ́ благослове́нiя, и удали́т­ся от­ него́.
И облече́ся въ кля́тву я́ко въ ри́зу, и вни́де я́ко вода́ во утро́бу его́ и я́ко еле́й въ ко́сти его́:
да бу́детъ ему́ я́ко ри́за, въ ню́же облачи́т­ся, и я́ко по́ясъ, и́мже вы́ну опоясу́ет­ся.
Сiе́ дѣ́ло оболга́ющихъ мя́ у Го́спода и глаго́лющихъ лука́вая на ду́шу мою́.
И Ты́, Го́споди, Го́споди, сотвори́ со мно́ю и́мене ра́ди Тво­его́, я́ко бла́га ми́лость Твоя́:
изба́ви мя́, я́ко ни́щъ и убо́гъ е́смь а́зъ, и се́рдце мое́ смяте́ся вну́трь мене́.
Я́ко сѣ́нь, внегда́ уклони́тися е́й, отъ­я́хся: стрясо́хся я́ко пру́зи.
Колѣ́на моя́ изнемо́госта от­ поста́, и пло́ть моя́ измѣни́ся еле́а ра́ди.
И а́зъ бы́хъ поноше́нiе и́мъ: ви́дѣша мя́, покива́ша глава́ми сво­и́ми.
Помози́ ми, Го́споди Бо́же мо́й, и спаси́ мя по ми́лости Тво­е́й:
и да разумѣ́ютъ, я́ко рука́ Твоя́ сiя́, и Ты́, Го́споди, сотвори́лъ еси́ ю́.
Проклену́тъ ті́и, и Ты́ благослови́ши: востаю́щiи на мя́ да постыдя́т­ся, ра́бъ же Тво́й воз­весели́т­ся.
Да облеку́т­ся оболга́ющiи мя́ въ срамоту́ и оде́ждут­ся я́ко оде́ждою студо́мъ сво­и́мъ.
Исповѣ́мся Го́сподеви зѣло́ усты́ мо­и́ми и посредѣ́ мно́гихъ восхвалю́ Его́:
я́ко предста́ одесну́ю убо́гаго, е́же спасти́ от­ гоня́щихъ ду́шу мою́.
Рус. (Аверинцев)
В этом переводе выбранная книга отсутствует
109:1 Magistro chori. David. PSALMUS. Deus laudis meae, ne tacueris,
109:2 quia os peccatoris et os dolosi super me apertum est. Locuti sunt adversum me lingua dolosa
109:3 et sermonibus odii circumdederunt me et expugnaverunt me gratis.
109:4 Pro dilectione mea adversabantur mihi; ego autem orabam.
109:5 Et posuerunt adversum me mala pro bonis et odium pro dilectione mea.
109:6 Constitue super eum peccatorem, et adversarius stet a dextris eius.
109:7 Cum iudicatur, exeat condemnatus, et oratio eius fiat in peccatum.
109:8 Fiant dies eius pauci, et ministerium eius accipiat alter.
109:9 Fiant filii eius orphani, et uxor eius vidua.
109:10 Instabiles vagentur filii eius et mendicent et eiciantur de ruinis suis. -
109:11 Scrutetur fenerator omnem substantiam eius, et diripiant alieni labores eius.
109:12 Non sit qui praebeat illi misericordiam, nec sit qui misereatur pupillis eius.
109:13 Fiant nati eius in interitum, in generatione una deleatur nomen eorum.
109:14 In memoriam redeat iniquitas patrum eius in conspectu Domini, et peccatum matris eius non deleatur.
109:15 Fiant contra Dominum semper, et disperdat de terra memoriam eorum.
109:16 Pro eo quod non est recordatus facere misericordiam et persecutus est hominem inopem et mendicum et compunctum corde, ut mortificaret.
109:17 Et dilexit maledictionem: et veniat ei; et noluit benedictionem: et elongetur ab eo.
109:18 Et induit maledictionem sicut vestimentum: et intret sicut aqua in interiora eius, et sicut oleum in ossa eius.
109:19 Fiat ei sicut indumentum, quo operitur, et sicut zona, qua semper praecingitur.
109:20 Haec retributio eorum, qui adversantur mihi apud Dominum, et qui loquuntur mala adversus animam meam.
109:21 Et tu, Domine, Domine, fac mecum propter nomen tuum, quia suavis est misericordia tua; libera me,
109:22 quia egenus et pauper ego sum, et cor meum vulneratum est intra me.
109:23 Sicut umbra, cum declinat, pertransii, excussus sum sicut locustae.
109:24 Genua mea infirmata sunt ieiunio, et caro mea contabuit absque oleo.
109:25 Et ego factus sum opprobrium illis: viderunt me et moverunt capita sua.
109:26 Adiuva me, Domine Deus meus, salvum me fac secundum misericordiam tuam.
109:27 Et sciant quia manus tua haec: tu, Domine, hoc fecisti.
109:28 Maledicant illi, et tu benedicas; qui insurgunt in me, confundantur, servus autem tuus laetabitur.
109:29 Induantur, qui detrahunt mihi, pudore et operiantur sicut diploide confusione sua.
109:30 Confitebor Domino nimis in ore meo et in medio multorum laudabo eum,
109:31 quia astitit a dextris pauperis, ut salvam faceret a iudicantibus animam eius.
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