Английский (NKJV)
O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it.
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, «Surely the darkness shall fall on me,» Even the night shall be light about me;
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my motheŕs womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.
Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.
For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take Your name in vain.
Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties;
And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
Церковнославянский (рус)
Въ коне́цъ Дави́ду, псало́мъ Заха́рiинъ, въ разсѣ́янiи.
Го́споди, искуси́лъ мя́ еси́ и позна́лъ мя́ еси́: Ты́ позна́лъ еси́ сѣда́нiе мое́ и воста́нiе мое́.
Ты́ разумѣ́лъ еси́ помышле́нiя моя́ издале́ча:
стезю́ мою́ и у́же мое́ Ты́ еси́ изслѣ́довалъ и вся́ пути́ моя́ прови́дѣлъ еси́.
Я́ко нѣ́сть льсти́ въ язы́цѣ мо­е́мъ: се́, Го́споди, Ты́ позна́лъ еси́
вся́ послѣ́дняя и дре́вняя: Ты́ созда́лъ еси́ мя́ и положи́лъ еси́ на мнѣ́ ру́ку Твою́.
Удиви́ся ра́зумъ Тво́й от­ мене́, утверди́ся, не воз­могу́ къ нему́.
Ка́мо пойду́ от­ Ду́ха тво­его́? И от­ лица́ Тво­его́ ка́мо бѣжу́?
А́ще взы́ду на небо, Ты́ та́мо еси́: а́ще сни́ду во а́дъ, та́мо еси́.
А́ще воз­му́ крилѣ́ мо­и́ ра́но и вселю́ся въ послѣ́днихъ мо́ря,
и та́мо бо рука́ Твоя́ наста́витъ мя́, и удержи́тъ мя́ десни́ца Твоя́.
И рѣ́хъ: еда́ тма́ попере́тъ мя́? И но́щь просвѣще́нiе въ сла́дости мо­е́й.
Я́ко тма́ не помрачи́т­ся от­ Тебе́, и но́щь я́ко де́нь просвѣти́т­ся: я́ко тма́ ея́, та́ко и свѣ́тъ ея́.
Я́ко Ты́ созда́лъ {стяжа́лъ} еси́ утро́бы моя́, воспрiя́лъ мя́ еси́ изъ чре́ва ма́тере мо­ея́.
Исповѣ́мся Тебѣ́, я́ко стра́шно удиви́л­ся еси́: чу́дна дѣла́ Твоя́, и душа́ моя́ зна́етъ зѣло́.
Не утаи́ся ко́сть моя́ от­ Тебе́, ю́же сотвори́лъ еси́ въ та́йнѣ, и соста́въ мо́й въ преиспо́днихъ земли́.
Несодѣ́лан­ное мое́ ви́дѣстѣ о́чи Тво­и́, и въ кни́зѣ Тво­е́й вси́ напи́шут­ся: во дне́хъ сози́ждут­ся, и никто́же въ ни́хъ.
Мнѣ́ же зѣло́ че́стни бы́ша дру́зи Тво­и́, Бо́же, зѣло́ утверди́шася влады́че­ст­вiя и́хъ:
изочту́ и́хъ, и па́че песка́ умно́жат­ся: воста́хъ, и еще́ е́смь съ Тобо́ю.
А́ще избiе́ши грѣ́шники, Бо́же: му́жiе крове́й, уклони́теся от­ мене́.
Я́ко ревни́ви есте́ въ помышле́нiихъ, прiи́мутъ въ суету́ гра́ды Твоя́.
Не ненави́дящыя ли Тя́, Го́споди, воз­ненави́дѣхъ, и о вразѣ́хъ Тво­и́хъ иста́яхъ?
Соверше́н­ною не́навистiю воз­ненави́дѣхъ я́: во враги́ бы́ша ми́.
Искуси́ мя, Бо́же, и увѣ́ждь се́рдце мое́: истяжи́ мя и разумѣ́й стези́ моя́:
и ви́ждь, а́ще пу́ть беззако́нiя во мнѣ́, и наста́ви мя́ на пу́ть вѣ́ченъ.
Рус. (Аверинцев)
В этом переводе выбранная книга отсутствует
139:1 Magistro chori. David. PSALMUS. Domine, scrutatus es et cognovisti me,
139:2 tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurrectionem meam. Intellexisti cogitationes meas de longe,
139:3 semitam meam et accubitum meum investigasti. Et omnes vias meas perspexisti,
139:4 quia nondum est sermo in lingua mea, et ecce, Domine, tu novisti omnia.
139:5 A tergo et a fronte coartasti me et posuisti super me manum tuam.
139:6 Mirabilis nimis facta est scientia tua super me, sublimis, et non attingam eam.
139:7 Quo ibo a spiritu tuo et quo a facie tua fugiam?
139:8 Si ascendero in caelum, tu illic es; si descendero in infernum, ades.
139:9 Si sumpsero pennas aurorae et habitavero in extremis maris,
139:10 etiam illuc manus tua deducet me, et tenebit me dextera tua.
139:11 Si dixero: «Forsitan tenebrae compriment me, et nox illuminatio erit circa me»,
139:12 etiam tenebrae non obscurabuntur a te, et nox sicut dies illuminabitur C sicut tenebrae eius ita et lumen eius -.
139:13 Quia tu formasti renes meos, contexuisti me in utero matris meae.
139:14 Confitebor tibi, quia mirabiliter plasmatus sum; mirabilia opera tua, et anima mea cognoscit nimis.
139:15 Non sunt abscondita ossa mea a te, cum factus sum in occulto, contextus in inferioribus terrae.
139:16 Imperfectum adhuc me viderunt oculi tui, et in libro tuo scripti erant omnes dies: ficti erant, et nondum erat unus ex eis.
139:17 Mihi autem nimis pretiosae cogitationes tuae, Deus; nimis gravis summa earum.
139:18 Si dinumerabo eas, super arenam multiplicabuntur; si ad finem pervenerim, adhuc sum tecum.
139:19 Utinam occidas, Deus, peccatores; viri sanguinum, declinate a me.
139:20 Qui loquuntur contra te maligne: exaltantur in vanum contra te.
139:21 Nonne, qui oderunt te, Domine, oderam et insurgentes in te abhorrebam?
139:22 Perfecto odio oderam illos, et inimici facti sunt mihi.
139:23 Scrutare me, Deus, et scito cor meum; proba me et cognosce semitas meas
139:24 et vide, si via vanitatis in me est, et deduc me in via aeterna.
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