Английский (NKJV)
Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.
How long will you attack a man? You shall be slain, all of you, Like a leaning wall and a tottering fence.
They only consult to cast him down from his high position; They delight in lies; They bless with their mouth, But they curse inwardly.Selah
My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God.
Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.Selah
Surely men of low degree are a vapor, Men of high degree are a lie; If they are weighed on the scales, They are altogether lighter than vapor.
Do not trust in oppression, Nor vainly hope in robbery; If riches increase, Do not set your heart on them.
God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.
Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; For You render to each one according to his work.
Церковнославянский (рус)
Въ коне́цъ, о Идиѳу́мѣ, псало́мъ Дави́ду.
Не Бо́гу ли повине́т­ся душа́ моя́? От­ Того́ бо спасе́нiе мое́.
И́бо То́й Бо́гъ мо́й и Спа́съ мо́й, засту́пникъ мо́й: не подви́жуся наипа́че.
Доко́лѣ належите́ на человѣ́ка? Убива́ете вси́ вы́, я́ко стѣнѣ́ преклоне́нѣ и опло́ту воз­ринове́ну.
Оба́че цѣ́ну мою́ совѣща́ша от­ри́нути, теко́ша въ жа́жди: усты́ сво­и́ми благословля́ху, и се́рдцемъ сво­и́мъ кленя́ху.
Оба́че Богови повини́ся, душе́ моя́: я́ко от­ Того́ терпѣ́нiе мое́.
И́бо То́й Бо́гъ мо́й и Спа́съ мо́й, засту́пникъ мо́й: не преселю́ся.
О Бо́зѣ спасе́нiе мое́ и сла́ва моя́: Бо́гъ по́мощи мо­ея́, и упова́нiе мое́ на Бо́га.
Упова́йте на Него́, ве́сь со́нмъ люді́й: излiя́йте предъ Ни́мъ сердца́ ва́ша, я́ко Бо́гъ помо́щникъ на́шъ.
Оба́че су́етни сы́нове человѣ́честiи, лжи́ви сы́нове человѣ́честiи въ мѣ́рилѣхъ е́же непра́вдовати: ті́и от­ суеты́ вку́пѣ.
Не упова́йте на непра́вду, и на восхище́нiе не жела́йте: бога́т­ст­во а́ще тече́тъ, не при­­лага́йте се́рдца.
Еди́ною глаго́ла Бо́гъ, дво́я сiя́ слы́шахъ, зане́ держа́ва Бо́жiя,
и Твоя́, Го́споди, ми́лость: я́ко Ты́ воз­да́си кому́ждо по дѣло́мъ его́.
Рус. (Аверинцев)
В этом переводе выбранная книга отсутствует
62:1 Magistro chori. Secundum Iduthun. PSALMUS. David.
62:2 In Deo tantum quiesce, anima mea, ab ipso enim salutare meum.
62:3 Verumtamen ipse refugium meum et salutare meum, praesidium meum; non movebor amplius.
62:4 Quousque irruitis in hominem, contunditis universi vos tamquam parietem inclinatum et maceriam depulsam?
62:5 Verumtamen de excelso suo cogitaverunt depellere; delectabantur mendacio. Ore suo benedicebant et corde suo maledicebant.
62:6 In Deo tantum quiesce, anima mea, quoniam ab ipso patientia mea.
62:7 Verumtamen ipse Deus meus et salutare meum, praesidium meum; non movebor.
62:8 In Deo salutare meum et gloria mea; Deus fortitudinis meae, et refugium meum in Deo est.
62:9 Sperate in eo, omnis congregatio populi, effundite coram illo corda vestra; Deus refugium nobis.
62:10 Verumtamen vanitas filii Adam, mendacium filii hominum. In stateram si conscendant, super fumum leves sunt omnes.
62:11 Nolite sperare in violentia et in rapina nolite decipi; divitiae si affluant, nolite cor apponere.
62:12 Semel locutus est Deus, duo haec audivi: quia potestas Deo est,
62:13 et tibi, Domine, misericordia; quia tu reddes unicuique iuxta opera sua.
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