French (LSG)
- Церковнослав. (рус. дореф.)
- Церковнослав. (рус. гражд.)
- Церковнослав. (цс)
- Рус. (Синодальный)
- Рус. (Синод. с ударе́-ми)
- Рус. (еп. Кассиан)
- Рус. (Юнгеров)
- Рус. (Аверинцев)
- Рус. (Бируковы)
- Рус. (К.П. Победоносцев)
- Рус. (прп. Макарий Алтайский)
- Arab (JAB)
- Arab (AVD)
- Azerbaijani
- Armenian
- Belarusian
- Bulgarian
- Chinese (simpl.)
- Croatian (S&D)
- Czech (Bible Kralicka [1613])
- English (NKJV)
- English (KJV)
- English (NRSV)
- Estonian
- Finnish (1992)
- French (LSG)
- Georgian (ancient)
- Georgian
- German (MLU, 1912)
- German (GNB)
- German (Elberfelder [2006])
- Greek (NT Byz)
- Greek (TGV)
- Greek (NA, 28)
- Greek (LXX, Rahlfs)
- Hebrew
- Hebrew NT by Delitzsch
- Icelandic
- Italian (CEI 1974)
- Italian
- Kazakh
- Kyrgyz
- Latin (Nova Vulgata)
- Latvian
- Maltese
- Norwegian (Bokmål [1930])
- Polish
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- Serbian (synod.)
- Serbian
- Spanish (RVR 1995)
- Swedish (Folkbibeln)
- Syriac Bible
- Tajik
- Tatar
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- Ukrainian (Ogienko)
- Uzbek
Nouveau Testament
Деяния святых Апостолов
Épîtres catholiques
Épître de Paul l'Apôtre
Livre prophétique
Ancien Testament
Moses Pentateuque
Livres historiques
Didactiques Livres
Livres prophétiques
* Non-Canonical Book
** We should read the Bible starting from the New Testament because we live in its conditions. The Old Testament should be read after studying the New Testament. See “How to Read the Bible”.
** We should read the Bible starting from the New Testament because we live in its conditions. The Old Testament should be read after studying the New Testament. See “How to Read the Bible”.