John Anthony McGuckin


Theophany, Feast of


Theophany (Greek for “Manifestation of God”) is the feast (January 6) celebrating the revelation of the Trinity at the river Jordan (Mt. 3.13–17). The troparia of the feast emphasize the divinity of Christ who was sent forth into the world by the Father through the Holy Spirit. The commemora­tion on January 6 derives from the 4th century, when eastern and western liturgical traditions were becoming united. Theoph- any marked three “revelatory” moments in the life of Jesus: the baptism in the Jordan, the adoration of the Magi, and the miracle at Cana. Solemn blessings of water occur in (and outside) churches on this day.


Gillquist, P. E. (2001) Becoming Orthodox: A Journey to the Ancient Christian Faith. Ben Lomond. CA: Conciliar Press.

Theokritoff, E. (2009) “Theophany,” in M. B. Cunningham and E. Theokritoff (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Tradigo, A. (2006) Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church. New York: Oxford University Press.

Источник: The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity / John Anthony McGuckin - Maldin : John Wiley; Sons Limited, 2012. - 862 p.

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