Frank Cole Babbitt
List of abbreviations
ace. = accusative. | i.e. = that is. | pass. = passive. |
act. = active, actively. | impf. = imperfect. | pers. = person. |
adj. = adjective. | impv. = imperative. | perf., pf. = perfect. |
advb. = adverb. | indic. = indicative. | plur., pl. = plural. |
aor. = aorist. | infin. = infinitive. | plupf. = pluperfect. |
cf. = compare. | κτλ. = καὶ τὰ λοιπά (and the rest). | pres. = present. |
D = dual. | lit. = literal, literally. | q.v. = which see. |
dat. = dative. | masc. = masculine. | sc. = scilicet. |
decl. = declension. | mid. = middle. | S., sing. = singular. |
e.g. = for example. | Mss. = manuscripts. | subj. = subjunctive. |
encl. = enclitic. | neut. = neuter. | viz. = namely. |
etc. = and so forth. | nom. = nominative. | voc. = vocative. |
f., ff. = following. | opt. = optative. | §, §§ = section, sections. |
fern. = feminine. | P. = plural. | |
fut. = future. | partic. = participle. | |
gen. = genitive. |
Aesch. = Aeschylus. | E. = Euripides. | Menex. = Menexenus. |
Ag. = Agamemnon. | Alc. = Alcestis. | Phaed. = Phaedo. |
Pr. Prometheus. | And. = Andromache. | Phaedr. = Phaedrus. |
Aeschin. = Aeschines. | El. = Electra. | Hep. = Republic. |
Ar. = Aristophanes. | Hec. = Hecuba. | S. = Sophocles. |
Ach. = Acharnenses. | Hel. = Helena. | Aj. = Ajax. |
Eq. = Equites. | H. F.=Hercules Furens. | Ant. = Antigone. |
Nub. = Nubes. | Hipp. = Hippolytus. | El. = Electra. |
Ran. = Ranae. | I. T. = Iphigenia Taurica. | O.T. = Oedipus Tyrannus. |
V. = Vespae. | Med. = Medea. | Th. = Thucydides. |
Hm. = Homer; A, B, Г, etc. are | Supp. = Supplices. | Xn. = Xenophon. |
used in referring to the books | Tro. = Troades. | A. = Anabasis. |
of the Iliad, and α, β, γ, etc. in | Isoc. = Isocrates. | Ages. = Agesilaus. |
referring to the books of the | Lys. = Lysias. | Cy. = Cyropaedia. |
Odyssey. | PI. = Plato. | Hell. = Hellenica. |
Ap. = Apology. | Hier. = Hiero. | |
Hdt. = Herodotus. | Crit. = Crito. | Mem. = Memorabilia. |
Hes. = Hesiod. | Go. = Gorgias. | Oec. = Oeconomicus. |
O. D. = Opera et Dies. | Leg. = Leges. | Symp. = Symposium. |