

The aim of this bio-bibliography is to show what has been written on religious subjects by Russian emigre authors in the course of the half century 1921–1972. Only writers of Russian origin and who identify themselves with the Orthodox Church are included in this list. Literary works, books reprinted from pre-revolutionary editions and religious poetry are not mentioned in this bibliography.

Lack of space made it impossible to list articles from periodicals. At the end, however, a list is given of the major periodicals and collections with an Orthodox slant. The introduction to this bibliography, besides a short survey of the main themes discussed by the Russian theologians in exile, describes the significance of this literature for Russian culture and for the Western world.9

The titles of the books are printed in the language of publication. The number of pages is mentioned as far as is possible. The places of publication are abbreviated as follows: for books published in Russian – Б. – Berlin, Бл. – Belgrade, Дж. – Jordanville, M. – Munich, H-Й. – New York, II. – Paris, Пр. – Prague; otherwise, they are B. – Berlin, L. – London, M. – Munich, N.Y. – New York, Ox. – Oxford, P. – Paris.

Persons wishing to become familiar with other bibliographies on related themes may use the following editions: Materialy dlia bibliografii russkikh nauchnykh trudov za-rubezhom,102 vol. I, Belgrade, 1931; vol. II, Belgrade, 1941. Further references to this work will be abbreviated as follows: Мат. Биб.1. =1931. МаТ.Биб. II. Бл. 1941. Also, the «List of the Writings of Professors of the Russian Theological Institute in Paris», ed. by Leo Zander, 1932, 1937, 1947, 1954 and 1965.

I have received valuable help in compiling this bibliography from Prof. N. Andreev (Cambridge), The Rev. T. Bird (New York), The Very Rev. G. Grabbe (New York), Prof. N. Gorodetzky (Oxford), Prof. P. Kovalevsky (Paris), Mr. E. Kasinec (New York), The Most Rev. Archbishop Serafim (Chicago), Dr. J. Simmons (Oxford), The Rev. S. Schukin (Canada). To them and to all those people who answered my letters I express my sincere thanks, as well as to Miss Gloria Marshall, who typed the manuscript.

NOTE: In several cases blank space was left after the names of the authors in the hope of receiving further information, which, however, was not received.

I shall be most grateful for any corrections and additions which should be sent to Dr. N. Zernov, St. Gregory and St. Macrina Houses, I Canterbury Road, Oxford OX2–6LU, England.


Источник: Русские писатели эмиграции : Биографические сведения и библиография их книг по богословию, религиозной философии, церковной истории и православной культуре : 1921-1972 / Сост. Николай Зернов. - Boston (Mass.) : G. К. Hall, 1973. - XL, 182 с.

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