Церковнославянский (рус)
И сiя́ за́повѣди и суды́, я́же снабди́те твори́ти на земли́, ю́же Госпо́дь Бо́гъ оте́цъ ва́шихъ дае́тъ ва́мъ въ жре́бiй во вся́ дни́, въ ня́же вы́ жи́ти бу́дете на земли́:
па́губою погуби́те вся́ мѣста́, въ ни́хже служи́ша та́мо язы́цы бого́мъ сво­и́мъ, я́же вы́ прiи́мете, на гора́хъ высо́кихъ и холмѣ́хъ и подъ дре́вомъ сѣно́внымъ:
и да раскопа́ете тре́бища и́хъ и сокрушите́ столпы́ и́хъ, и дубра́вы и́хъ ссѣче́те, и вая́нiе бого́въ и́хъ сожже́те огне́мъ, и погубите́ и́мя и́хъ от­ мѣ́ста того́.
Да не сотворите́ та́ко Го́споду Бо́гу ва́­шему,
то́кмо на мѣ́стѣ, идѣ́же избере́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ ва́шъ, во еди́нѣмъ от­ племе́нъ ва́шихъ, нарещи́ и́мя Его́ та́мо и при­­зва́ти, и взы́щете, и вни́дете та́мо:
и при­­несе́те та́мо всесожже́нiя ва́ша, и же́ртвы ва́шя, и нача́тки ва́ши, и обѣ́ты ва́ши, и во́льная ва́ша, и исповѣ́данiя ва́ша, пе́рвенцы воло́въ ва́шихъ и ове́цъ ва́шихъ,
и я́сти бу́дете та́мо предъ Го́сподемъ Бо́гомъ ва́шимъ и воз­веселите́ся о всѣ́хъ, на ня́же воз­ложите́ ру́ки ва́шя вы́ и до́мове ва́ши, я́коже тя́ благослови́лъ е́сть Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й.
Да не сотвори́те та́мо всѣ́хъ, ели́ка вы́ творите́ здѣ́ дне́сь, кі́йждо уго́дное предъ собо́ю:
не прiидо́сте бо до ны́нѣ въ поко́й и въ наслѣ́дiе, е́же Госпо́дь Бо́гъ ва́шъ дае́тъ ва́мъ.
И егда́ пре́йдете Иорда́нъ и вселите́ся на земли́, ю́же Госпо́дь Бо́гъ ва́шъ да́стъ въ наслѣ́дiе ва́мъ, и упоко́итъ ва́съ от­ всѣ́хъ вра́гъ ва́шихъ, и́же о́крестъ ва́съ, и вселите́ся со утвержде́нiемъ:
и бу́детъ мѣ́сто, е́же избере́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ ва́шъ при­­зва́ти и́мя Его́ та́мо, ту́ при­­несе́те вся́, ели́ка а́зъ заповѣ́даю ва́мъ дне́сь: всесожже́нiя ва́ша и же́ртвы ва́шя, и десяти́ны ва́шя и нача́тки ру́къ ва́шихъ, и вся́къ избра́нъ да́ръ ва́шъ, ели́ка обѣща́ете Го́сподеви Бо́гу ва́­шему:
и воз­веселите́ся предъ Го́сподемъ Бо́гомъ ва́шимъ вы́ и сы́нове ва́ши и дще́ри ва́ши, и рабы́ ва́ши и рабы́ни ва́ши, и леви́ти, и́же у вра́тъ ва́шихъ: я́ко нѣ́сть и́мъ ча́сти ни жре́бiя съ ва́ми.
Внемли́ себѣ́, да не при­­несе́ши всесожже́нiй тво­и́хъ на вся́комъ мѣ́стѣ, е́же а́ще у́зриши,
то́кмо на мѣ́стѣ, е́же избере́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й, въ еди́нѣмъ от­ племе́нъ тво­и́хъ, та́мо да при­­несе́ши всесожже́нiя твоя́ и та́мо сотвори́ши вся́, ели́ка а́зъ заповѣ́даю тебѣ́ дне́сь.
Но то́кмо всѣ́мъ жела́нiемъ души́ тво­ея́ да пожре́ши, и снѣ́си мяса́ по благослове́нiю Го́спода Бо́га тво­его́, е́же даде́ тебѣ́ во вся́комъ гра́дѣ: нечи́стый при­­ тебѣ́ и чи́стый вку́пѣ да я́стъ я́, я́ко се́рну, или́ еле́ня.
То́кмо кро́ве да не снѣ́сте: на зе́млю пролiе́те ю́, а́ки во́ду.
Не воз­мо́жеши я́сти въ градѣ́хъ тво­и́хъ десяти́ны пшени́цы тво­ея́ и вина́ тво­его́ и еле́а тво­его́, пе́рвенцовъ воло́въ тво­и́хъ и ове́цъ тво­и́хъ, и всѣ́хъ обѣ́товъ, ели́ки обѣща́ете, и исповѣ́данiй ва́шихъ, и нача́тковъ ру́къ ва́шихъ:
то́кмо предъ Го́сподемъ Бо́гомъ тво­и́мъ да снѣ́си я́ на мѣ́стѣ, е́же избере́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й Себѣ́, ты́ и сы́нъ тво́й и дще́рь твоя́, и ра́бъ тво́й и раба́ твоя́, и леви́тъ, и при­­шле́цъ и́же во градѣ́хъ тво­и́хъ, и воз­весели́шися предъ Го́сподемъ Бо́гомъ тво­и́мъ во всѣ́хъ, на ня́же воз­ложи́ши ру́ку твою́.
Внемли́ себѣ́, да не оста́виши леви́тина во все́ вре́мя, до́ндеже еси́ жи́въ на земли́.
А́ще же разшири́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й предѣ́лы твоя́, я́коже глаго́ла тебѣ́, и рече́ши: снѣ́мъ мяса́, а́ще вожделѣ́етъ душа́ твоя́, я́ко я́сти мяса́, во все́мъ жела́нiи души́ тво­ея́ да снѣ́си мяса́.
А́ще же дале́че от­сто­и́тъ мѣ́сто от­ тебе́, е́же избере́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й при­­зыва́ти и́мя Его́ та́мо, и зако́леши от­ воло́въ тво­и́хъ и от­ ове́цъ тво­и́хъ, я́же да́стъ тебѣ́ Бо́гъ тво́й, я́коже заповѣ́дахъ тебѣ́, и снѣ́си во градѣ́хъ тво­и́хъ по жела́нiю души́ тво­ея́.
Я́коже я́ст­ся се́рна и еле́нь, та́ко да снѣ́си е́: нечи́стый при­­ тебѣ́, и чи́стый та́кожде да снѣ́стъ.
Вонми́ крѣ́пцѣ, е́же не я́сти кро́ве: кро́вь бо е́сть душа́ его́: да не снѣ́ст­ся душа́ съ мя́сы:
да не снѣ́сте ея́, на зе́млю пролiе́те ю́ а́ки во́ду:
да не снѣ́си ю́, да бла́го тебѣ́ бу́детъ и сыно́мъ тво­и́мъ по тебѣ́ во вѣ́ки, а́ще сотвори́ши се́, е́же добро́ и уго́дно е́сть предъ Го́сподемъ Бо́гомъ тво­и́мъ.
Ра́звѣ свята́я твоя́, я́же а́ще бу́дутъ тебѣ́, и обѣ́ты твоя́ взе́мъ да прiи́деши на мѣ́сто, е́же избере́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й о́ное себѣ́ при­­зва́ти и́мя Его́ та́мо:
и сотвори́ши всесожже́нiя твоя́: мяса́ да воз­несе́ши на олта́рь Го́спода Бо́га тво­его́, кро́вь же же́ртвъ тво­и́хъ да пролiе́ши предъ степе́ни олтаря́ Го́спода Бо́га тво­его́, мяса́ же да снѣ́си.
Снабди́ и послу́шай, и да сотвори́ши вся́ словеса́, я́же а́зъ заповѣ́даю тебѣ́, да бла́го тебѣ́ бу́детъ и сыно́мъ тво­и́мъ во вѣ́ки, а́ще сотвори́ши добро́ и уго́дно предъ Го́сподемъ Бо́гомъ тво­и́мъ.
А́ще же потреби́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ тво́й язы́ки, въ ня́же вхо́диши ты́ та́мо, наслѣ́дити зе́млю и́хъ, от­ лица́ тво­его́, и прiи́меши ю́ въ наслѣ́дiе, и всели́шися въ земли́ и́хъ:
внемли́ себѣ́, да не взы́щеши послѣ́довати и́мъ, по потребле́нiи и́хъ от­ лица́ тво­его́, не взыщи́ бого́въ и́хъ, глаго́ля: я́коже творя́тъ язы́цы сі́и бого́мъ сво­и́мъ, сотворю́ и а́зъ:
да не сотвори́ши Го́споду Бо́гу тво­ему́ та́ко: ме́рзостна бо Го́сподеви, я́же воз­ненави́дѣ, сотвори́ша бого́мъ сво­и́мъ, я́ко сы́ны своя́ и дще́ри своя́ жгу́тъ огне́мъ бого́мъ сво­и́мъ.
Вся́ко сло́во, е́же а́зъ заповѣ́даю тебѣ́ дне́сь, сiе́ снабди́ твори́ти: да не при­­ложи́ши къ сему́, ни отъ­и́меши от­ него́.
«These are the statutes and judgments which you shall be careful to observe in the land which the LORD God of your fathers is giving you to possess, all the days that you live on the earth.
You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations which you shall dispossess served their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree.
And you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and burn their wooden images with fire; you shall cut down the carved images of their gods and destroy their names from that place.
You shall not worship the LORD your God with such things.
«But you shall seek the place where the LORD your God chooses, out of all your tribes, to put His name for His dwelling place; and there you shall go.
There you shall take your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the heave offerings of your hand, your vowed offerings, your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.
And there you shall eat before the LORD your God, and you shall rejoice in all to which you have put your hand, you and your households, in which the LORD your God has blessed you.
«You shall not at all do as we are doing here today--every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes--
for as yet you have not come to the rest and the inheritance which the LORD your God is giving you.
But when you cross over the Jordan and dwell in the land which the LORD your God is giving you to inherit, and He gives you rest from all your enemies round about, so that you dwell in safety,
then there will be the place where the LORD your God chooses to make His name abide. There you shall bring all that I command you: your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the heave offerings of your hand, and all your choice offerings which you vow to the LORD.
And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your sons and your daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levite who is within your gates, since he has no portion nor inheritance with you.
Take heed to yourself that you do not offer your burnt offerings in every place that you see;
but in the place which the LORD chooses, in one of your tribes, there you shall offer your burnt offerings, and there you shall do all that I command you.
«However, you may slaughter and eat meat within all your gates, whatever your heart desires, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you; the unclean and the clean may eat of it, of the gazelle and the deer alike.
Only you shall not eat the blood; you shall pour it on the earth like water.
You may not eat within your gates the tithe of your grain or your new wine or your oil, of the firstborn of your herd or your flock, of any of your offerings which you vow, of your freewill offerings, or of the heave offering of your hand.
But you must eat them before the LORD your God in the place which the LORD your God chooses, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant, and the Levite who is within your gates; and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God in all to which you put your hands.
Take heed to yourself that you do not forsake the Levite as long as you live in your land.
«When the LORD your God enlarges your border as He has promised you, and you say, «Let me eat meat,́ because you long to eat meat, you may eat as much meat as your heart desires.
If the place where the LORD your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, then you may slaughter from your herd and from your flock which the LORD has given you, just as I have commanded you, and you may eat within your gates as much as your heart desires.
Just as the gazelle and the deer are eaten, so you may eat them; the unclean and the clean alike may eat them.
Only be sure that you do not eat the blood, for the blood is the life; you may not eat the life with the meat.
You shall not eat it; you shall pour it on the earth like water.
You shall not eat it, that it may go well with you and your children after you, when you do what is right in the sight of the LORD.
Only the holy things which you have, and your vowed offerings, you shall take and go to the place which the LORD chooses.
And you shall offer your burnt offerings, the meat and the blood, on the altar of the LORD your God; and the blood of your sacrifices shall be poured out on the altar of the LORD your God, and you shall eat the meat.
Observe and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.
«When the LORD your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land,
take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, «How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.́
You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.
«Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.
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