Английский (NKJV)
The LORD reigns; Let the peoples tremble! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth be moved!
The LORD is great in Zion, And He is high above all the peoples.
Let them praise Your great and awesome name-- He is holy.
The Kinǵs strength also loves justice; You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.
Exalt the LORD our God, And worship at His footstool-- He is holy.
Moses and Aaron were among His priests, And Samuel was among those who called upon His name; They called upon the LORD, and He answered them.
He spoke to them in the cloudy pillar; They kept His testimonies and the ordinance He gave them.
You answered them, O LORD our God; You were to them God-Who-Forgives, Though You took vengeance on their deeds.
Exalt the LORD our God, And worship at His holy hill; For the LORD our God is holy.
Церковнослав. (рус. дореф.)
Псало́мъ Дави́ду.
Госпо́дь воцари́ся, да гнѣ́вают­ся лю́дiе: сѣдя́й на Херуви́мѣхъ, да подви́жит­ся земля́.
Госпо́дь въ Сiо́нѣ вели́къ, и высо́къ е́сть надъ всѣ́ми людьми́.
Да исповѣ́дят­ся и́мени Тво­ему́ вели́кому, я́ко стра́шно и свято е́сть.
И че́сть царе́ва су́дъ лю́битъ: Ты́ угото́валъ еси́ правоты́, су́дъ и пра́вду во Иа́ковѣ Ты́ сотвори́лъ еси́.
Возноси́те Го́спода Бо́га на́­шего и покланя́йтеся подно́жiю но́гу Его́, я́ко свято е́сть.
Моисе́й и Ааро́нъ во иере́ехъ Его́, и Самуи́лъ въ при­­зыва́ющихъ и́мя Его́: при­­зыва́ху Го́спода, и То́й послу́шаше и́хъ.
Въ столпѣ́ о́блачнѣ глаго́лаше къ ни́мъ: я́ко храня́ху свидѣ́нiя Его́ и повелѣ́нiя Его́, я́же даде́ и́мъ.
Го́споди Бо́же на́шъ, Ты́ послу́шалъ еси́ и́хъ: Бо́же, Ты́ ми́лостивъ быва́лъ еси́ и́мъ, и мща́я на вся́ начина́нiя и́хъ.
Возноси́те Го́спода Бо́га на́­шего и покланя́йтеся въ горѣ́ святѣ́й Его́: я́ко свя́тъ Госпо́дь Бо́гъ на́шъ.
Греческий [Greek (NT Byz)]
The selected book is not included in this translation
99:1 Dominus regnavit! Commoveantur populi sedet super cherubim, moveatur terra.
99:2 Dominus in Sion magnus et excelsus super omnes populos.
99:3 Confiteantur nomini tuo magno et terribili, quoniam sanctum est.
99:4 Rex potens iudicium diligit: tu statuisti, quae recta sunt, iudicium et iustitiam in Iacob tu fecisti.
99:5 Exaltate Dominum Deum nostrum et adorate ad scabellum pedum eius, quoniam sanctus est.
99:6 Moyses et Aaron in sacerdotibus eius, et Samuel inter eos, qui invocant nomen eius. Invocabant Dominum, et ipse exaudiebat eos,
99:7 in columna nubis loquebatur ad eos. Custodiebant testimonia eius et praeceptum, quod dedit illis.
99:8 Domine Deus noster, tu exaudiebas eos; Deus, tu propitius fuisti eis, ulciscens autem adinventiones eorum.
99:9 Exaltate Dominum Deum nostrum et adorate ad montem sanctum eius, quoniam sanctus Dominus Deus noster.
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